The Jonesville-Newberry Sludge Ride

The Jonesville-Newberry Sludge Ride

What do you get when rain falls for days and days and days onto dirt, limerock, sand and gravel roads? Answer - Roads become sludged, schmutzed and crudded... or whatever…
The No Eggs and Bakin’ Ride

The No Eggs and Bakin’ Ride

There were no eggs, but there was a lot of bakin' - in that the weather was forecast for mid 90's Fahrenheit, humidity of a similar level and not much…
VIDEO: Hilly Billy Roubaix 2015 Race

VIDEO: Hilly Billy Roubaix 2015 Race

On June 27, 2015, the Gravel Cyclist crew of K-Dogg and Dr. Pain, with JOM filming from various locations along the course (he's still recovering from injury) revisited Hilly Billy…