NAHBS – North American Handmade Bicycle Show – Held this year in Sacramento, California from March 15 to 17, inclusive, the show features more than just builders from North America as the name implies. The mission of the first annual NAHBS and every show thereafter is a simple one, showcase the talents and ideas among the best builders of handmade bicycles in the world. The show continues to grow at a rate of 8 to 10% each year from the original 23 exhibitors and 700 attendees at the original NAHBS in Houston.

Our partner in podcasting, Craig of The Gravel Ride attended the 2019 show on the first day and interviewed the following builders and companies:
- Steve Potts Bicycles
- Mosiac Cycles
- Wolf Tooth Components
- McGovern Cycles
- Panaracer World
- Olivetti Bicycles
- No. 22 Bikes
- Civilian Bicycle Company
You can also find The Gravel Ride on iTunes and Spotify.
Gravel Cyclist has a ton of content coming from 2019 NAHBS, namely video and a brief interview of almost anybody at the show who had a gravel bike on display. Apologies to the one or two builders we missed (feel free to reach out to us)