$hit Gravel Cyclists Say

$hit Gravel Cyclists Say

$hit Gravel Cyclists Say: "I'm only leading to compact the soil for you." "I'm only leading through the sugar sand to show you the best line." "I'm not attacking, I'm…
The Heartbreaker Loop

The Heartbreaker Loop

Saturday, October 18, 2014 While everyone else in Gainesville was sleeping in, not riding, racing, or creating ruts in the same paved roads they ride over and over and over,…
More sights from L’Eroica 2014

More sights from L’Eroica 2014

Mr and Mrs K-Dogg returned last week from their epic ride at the L'Eroica ride in Italy. While the staff here at Gravel Cyclist are waiting for that slacker K-Dogg…
Training for Iron Cross 2014

Training for Iron Cross 2014

Training Hard Not really.  Rather, I'm on a train, namely the Amtrak Auto Train, short cutting my way to Michaux State Forest, for Iron Cross 2014.  If you reside in…
Pre L’Eroica Reconnoitering 2014

Pre L’Eroica Reconnoitering 2014

Our roving reporter K-Dogg, has chimed in with his first report from L'Eroica.  Click an image to see the full-size version. From K-Dogg: Drove the entire 205 k course.  It…
New Site Theme Launched!

New Site Theme Launched!

What better way to celebrate the end of September 2014, with a new look to GravelCyclist.com! The site still needs some tweaking, but we hope you like the latest change. …