Announcing the plan for the 2020 (yes, this year) unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley: The unPAved Full-120 Race, limited to 200 participants in an individual time-trial format, on Sunday, October 11th. The registration lottery is open through August 2nd and participation announcements will be on August 3rd. Event costs $150.

unPAved is happening on October 11th, though will be significantly different with a reduced field size, eliminating the mass-start and DONEpaved Finisher Party, and including a significant amount of protocols in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some highlights:
- 200 PARTICIPANTS Current guidelines for outdoor events in Pennsylvania is a max of 250 people, which includes staff, volunteers, mechanics, medics, marshalls, everybody. This field size will also help make the sign-in and aid stations manageable with the extra protocols in place.
- FULL-120 ONLY There’s only going to be one field this year, so it’s for the Full-120 miles, and 10,000’ of climbing on some of the best gravel and dirt (in other words, unpaved) roads found anywhere.
- LOTTERY REGISTRATION Participants can profess their desire to participate until midnight, August 2nd. Announcements on attendance will be made on August 3rd, which is when they will be charged the $150 entry fee.
- OPEN WAITLIST Everybody who doesn’t get into the field will be placed in the Waitlist. If COVID-related restrictions, and the confidences related to it, lift between now and October as many people from the Waitlist will be included as possible & safe. Also, anybody who doesn’t get in from the Waitlist this year will get the opportunity to register early for unPAved 2021.
- INDIVIDUAL START TIMES All riders will get a time to arrive in the start area and called-up when it is time for them to begin their 120-mile race, or ride. Riders will be asked for how they plan to ride unPAved during the registration process:
- “Taking in all the sights, sounds and smells. Ready, willing and able to spend all day out there.”
- “Not going to win, place or show but that doesn’t mean I’m going to dilly & dally too much.”
- “If there’s a clock running I’m going to see how I do. Get me to the whoopie pies!”
- SIGNIFICANT COVID-19 PROTOCOLS Riders and volunteers will be taking care of each other by communicating with event staff on travel and their health and taking temperature checks. The event will have mask-mandatory zones, no indoor venues, pre-packaged food & drink available at Aid Stations, four drop-bag spots on course so riders can pack their own snacks and gear, and there will not be a DONEpaved Party at the finish line this year.

Last year, Kelly Catale (Seven Cycles) returned to her college town for the event, and left as the 2019 unPAved Women’s Whoopie-Pie Winner. She’s planning to come back to defend her title: “I am so excited to participate in this re-imagined version of unPAved that will enable me to stay safe during this time while enjoying one of my favorite places to ride!”

Thoughts on the Changes
“Fortunately for unPAved, we have had the time and opportunities to talk with government officials, epidemiologists, our participants and the local community to create a different event for this very different year,” said Dave Pryor, unPAved’s Promoter. “Pennsylvania has done an exceptional job at ‘flattening the curve’ so far, and it appears that outdoor recreation is one of the safest things people can do at this time—with extra precautions to take care of each other. We are also well-aware there are a number of ways that the event will need to change again, or even be cancelled. Both the local and gravel communities have been amazing to be a part of through this and we will all be in constant communication with both—because that’s how communities move forward.”

“The Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau is proud to be the Title Sponsor of unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley,” said Andrew Miller, Executive Director. “For the last two years we’ve had the distinct pleasure and excitement to introduce and promote the Susquehanna River Valley as a ‘must-do’ destination for gravel cyclists from the United States and Canada. unPAved adventure cyclists are living their best lives when they come to the Susquehanna River Valley and have praised the event and the destination. Their experiences and joy with unPAved has exceeded our expectations. 2020 will be a different event in a very different world but the adventure, friendly competition, beauty of the Susquehanna River Valley and the joy of gravel cycling will now and always remain the same.”
“Salsa Cycles is thrilled to support another year of Pennsylvania dirt riding in the Susquehanna River Valley,” said Lindsay Beltchenko, Marketing Manager of Salsa Cycles (the official bikes & frames of unPAved). “Despite the challenges unPAved has been faced with due to the pandemic, they have put their best foot forward with amending their event plan to provide a safe and fun gravel experience for all.”

“Floyd’s of Leadville is very excited to be sponsoring unPAved for the second year in a row,” said Robin Geoghegan, Director of Sales & Marketing for Floyd’s of Leadville (official CBD recovery products). “We are proud of unPAved for the way they have adapted the adventure to accommodate this unprecedented time. unPAved does scenic cycling like no other! The unPAved experience is all about getting off the beaten path but that doesn’t mean your body needs to take a beating. That’s why Floyd’s of Leadville is so thrilled to support unPAved as an official recovery sponsor. After an incredible day on the bike, reach for our organically-grown Pennsylvania CBD products and enjoy relaxing and recovering.”
Along with the Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau, Salsa and Floyd’s, unPAved sponsors include Stan’s NoTubes (official wheels & sealant), GU Energy Labs (official hydration), Ritchey Logic, Voler Apparel, Purple Lizard Maps, Nittany Mountain Works, R.E.Load Bags, Philly Bike Expo, and Chamois Butt’r.
To follow along with the events, and to stay updated on any further changes, visit, and follow them on social media at,, and