Last year was my first and almost only DK200. The last 50 miles was the most misery I’ve experienced ever on a bike. I ran out of water, ran out of electrolytes, hated all my race food, had massive leg cramps, butt cramps, shoulder cramps, hours of nausea and the dreaded mental cramps.

But I soldered on… and not for the noblest of reasons. My wife, Mrs. K-Dogg, and teammate, JOM of GravelCyclist.com were behind me. I would never hear the end of it If I gave up now. I told myself I was no longer racing. It’s just survival now… I will go as slow as it takes keep rolling… nothing more. “There is no try… only do”, said Yoda.

Days later friends asked me if I’d do it again. I told then not to ask me right now. A few months later, the answer was the same… “don’t ask me now.” When that wild 12 minute registration period opened for the race earlier this year, I still wasn’t sure but Mr.s K-Dogg and JOM got in. I didn’t. “What a shame” I said. “We are getting you in” insisted the Mrs… which “We” did.
- I have finished several other endurance races and KNOW my limits are mostly mental. Our bodies are incredibly resilient. You can push them more than you yet realize.
- JOM*, Mrs. K-Dogg and a few friends have scientifically analyzed and improved our race hydration and nutrient intake based on lots of experience. My biggest failure at last year’s DK200 was not carrying enough water. Two to three bottles are sufficient for a 50 mile ride when you can maintain a steady 20+ mph pace. When you ride 50 miles at 8 mph into a headwind over giant hills you need three times that. Bring a variety of foods and pay strict attention to getting enough electrolytes and easily digestible food. Conventional wisdom is you need to eat a minimum 250 calories per hour of race effort.

I know I’m not going to die. There are hundreds of people around you that will help. It’s just another bike ride… with a few thousand of your best buddies. Be ready for that dark place. Don’t panic. Find your happy place. Mrs. K-Dogg and I agree that the happiest place is in the company of other racers. Shamelessly draft them if you need to. They are all nice, down to earth people.

I don’t know the difference at this point of running 100 miles and riding 200 (that is until after DK) but after being through the lowest of lows after running for 15+ hours hopefully my mental game is in tact.
100 mile ultra? You will have no problem with 200 miles of DK.
I couldn’t run around the block much less 100 miles. Bad knees.
Plus runners never get to coast. It really helps! 🙂
You are awesome!
So…I so relate to your misery! As a Fellow 2016 DK200 finisher (not as fast as you by any stretch but I finished!), I realized that hydration is the biggest key for this and other ultra-endurance events. I planned well, got lucky while many of my fellow riders did not.
Best of Luck! May the wind be at your back the second half this year and can’t wait to hear about your adventure as well the new hydration strategy & implementation.
Cheers and Ride Strong!
Thanks Sasha!
People used to ask why I do DK200. I say I don’t really know.
A friend we call the Belgian Diesel says….”Because I can.”
That is what I say now.
Thanks for the recap, did 100 last year and 200 this year hoping not to end up in that dark place…big ride again this weekend…and will be packing music for the ride as well…inspiration perhaps…see you there..
2017 will be my first DK200. I’ve been doing a ton of reading on food, hydration, training, etc. My bike is ready, my body is ready, my mind will be the wild card. Doing long windy, cold, rainy gravel rides has helped as I consider it physical and mental conditioning.
My hydration plan is 3 water bottles from the start to the first checkpoint, rehydrate massively there and then don a 70oz Camelbak + two bottles for the remainder of the ride always drinking more at the checkpoints.
Sounds like a good plan! More water / hydration is always better, especially if we experience a hot day.
Your training will definitely have you ready for the task ahead. DK200 is a very difficult ride for anyone who attempts it; just finishing is a major accomplishment.
You should do fine. I recommend you also bring along an anti cramp product called
“Hot Shot.” It works if you need it…your legs are still tired but the cramps go away.
Being the noob to gravel grinding I am trying to read all the ride reports I can. I am totally shocked that so many peoples bikes chains/wheel became disabled so early in the ride/race. How do you know whether you can ride thru the peanut butter or whether you should dismount? On ultra distance rando cycling 1 or 2 people might have bike mishaps but most have their stomachs or knees/legs/calf’s going out either via cramps or a stomach uproar on the 400k, 600k, 1200k rides. That has to be very discouraging when you have traveled that far for the ride let alone the entrance fee money/crew costs etc. Since water seems to be a premium what can you do if you bike gets stuck with all that peanut butter mudh?