$hit Gravel Cyclists Say: 
- “I’m only leading to compact the soil for you.”
- “I’m only leading through the sugar sand to show you the best line.”
- “I’m not attacking, I’m just going up the road to check on K-Dogg.”
- “Jumping that fence is totally fine, but let the foreigners go first”.
- “Its not attacking if you don’t stand up.”
- “That’s it! I’m sitting up.”
- “I’m riding my own tempo today.”
- “My legs are totally knackered.”
- “These tires? They suck too – and they’re expensive.”
- “Never stop pedaling, even if you are accelerating into a tree.”
- “You’ll do fine on that 26’er, we don’t ride that hard.”
- “Yeah! It’s raining. The roads will be awesome!”
You forgot the beauty Clay gave us recently. “Clay! You just dropped all those guys.” That’s ok….it’s GOOD for them!”
“You’ll do fine on that 26’er, we don’t ride that hard.”
Boy, I’ve heard that one before! Then I was dropped! LOL 😉
I don’t need a Garmin, I have a naturally built in sense of direction…..
I’m not lost!….I’m simply exploring new courses to ride
Climbing over farmer’s fences and riding through sheep paddocks in all part of the
Sorry about that last comment, not being complete….. it’s 4am I can’t sleep and we are half way through a week of crazy HOT temperatures, here in Oz. What i meant to say was……
Climbing fences and riding through farmer’s sheep paddocks is all part of the gravel experience!
“Never stop pedaling, even if you are accelerating into a tree.”