The inaugural event celebrates parity accomplishments, an equal race experience for all riders, and giving back to the local community.

SBT GRVL, presented by Canyon Bicycles, is Colorado’s newest gravel bike race and celebration and kicks off in Steamboat Springs on this Saturday, August 17.

Over 1500 riders from 49 states and seven countries will converge to the community of Steamboat Springs for the event’s inaugural year.

The warm hospitality of Steamboat and the rugged beauty of Routt County await cyclists and their families, who will be treated to a brand expo and a pro athlete panel, among other gravel-cycling activities on Saturday. On Sunday, riders will pedal through one of three-course distances ranging from 37 to 141 miles, all of which showcase the mountain-town-meets-ranching-community beauty unique to Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

SBT GRVL was not founded to be just another gravel cycling event. Founders Amy Charity, Ken Benesh and Mark Satkiewicz are proud to launch SBT GRVL as a value-driven event that gives back to the ranching community of Routt County, Colo., the youth of Steamboat Springs, and to support equality and parity in cycling.

All SBT GRVL participants can expect an inclusive experience. The three re-opened registration through a parity campaign in February after capacity was reached in the event at launch, to encourage more women to ride SBT GRVL. As a result, over 400 female riders are signed up for year one, which is just under 30-percent of the entire field. The founders are working to achieve a 50-50 ratio of male/female riders in the coming years.

Riders from all disciplines and levels, including some top names in professional cycling, will be lining up shoulder to shoulder to tackle the courses. SBT GRVL will deliver an equal experience for all participants from first-time racers to National Champion cyclists. Each race distance will roll out in a mass start and all riders will have access to fully stocked aid stations on course; no special treatment or direct outside support will be permitted.

A $28,000 prize purse is up for grabs for racers of the Black Course Sunday, which is 140.8 miles with over 9,000-feet of climbing. It will be divided equally among the men and the women’s race field.
In addition to the inclusivity, parity and equality among all riders, SBT GRVL prioritizes giving back to local non-profits to support Routt County’s ranching community, Boy’s & Girl’s club as well as youth athletic programming in Steamboat Springs.
“Success for us is creating an annual event that the town looks forward to, and that brings positive impact each year,” says co-founder Mark Satkiewicz. “We’re also proud that our event prioritizes values like inclusivity, parity and equality. Cyclists of all ability levels, ages and genders will enjoy a brand-new adventure on our incredible gravel roads.”
PRO Start List
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1646 | F | Chessa | Adsit-Morris | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1645 | F | Allison | Arensman | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 163 | F | Dani | Arman | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 376 | F | Kaysee | Armstrong | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 381 | F | Kelly | Boniface | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1076 | F | BrittLee | Bowman | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 734 | F | Libby | Caldwell | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 711 | F | Morgan | Chaffin | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 98 | F | Brodie | Chapman | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 43 | F | Anna | Christiansen | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 110 | F | Caroline | Coble | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 138 | F | Cindy | Copley | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1585 | F | Tiffany | Cromwell | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 408 | F | Lauren | De Crescenzo | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 415 | F | Lindsay | Dwyer | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 728 | F | Leslie | Ethridge | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 157 | F | Cynthia | Frazier | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1566 | F | Sunny | Gilbert | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1370 | F | LAUREN | HALL | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 492 | F | Michelle | Hance | |
SBT GRVL GREEN | 2041 | F | Ella | Harris | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 346 | F | Jolene | Holland Neve | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 374 | F | Katie | Kantzes | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 170 | F | Daphne | Karagianis | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 383 | F | Kemi | King | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 407 | F | Laura | King | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 525 | F | Nina | Laughlin | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 396 | F | Kristen | Legan | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 111 | F | Caroline | Mani | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 268 | F | Holly | Mathews | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 596 | F | Sarah | Max | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 597 | F | Sarah | Moloney | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 262 | F | Hanna | Muegge | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1114 | F | Christy | Olsen | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 382 | F | Kelly | Paduch | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 22 | F | Alison | Powers | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1641 | F | Nicole | Pressprich | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 688 | F | Turner | Ramsay | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 716 | F | Amity | Rockwell | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 409 | F | Lauren | Stephens | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 595 | F | Sarah | Sturm | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 369 | F | Kae | Takeshita | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 222 | F | Ellen | Tarquinio | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 411 | F | Leah | Thorvilson | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 134 | F | Christie | Tracy | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 13 | F | Aimee | Vasse | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 555 | F | Rachel | Wills | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 616 | F | Selene | Yeager | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 691 | M | Ulisses | Abbud | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 326 | M | Jimmy | Archer | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1637 | M | Jimmy | Awad | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 119 | M | Chris | Bagg | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 353 | M | Jonathan | Baker | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 521 | M | Nico | Barraza | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 717 | M | Jeremiah | Bishop | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 168 | M | Daniel | Bonello | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 344 | M | John | Borstelmann | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 230 | M | Eric | Brunner | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 231 | M | Eric | Bryan | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 210 | M | Dillon | Caldwell | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 352 | M | Jonathan | Cavner | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 20 | M | Alexis | Chenevier | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 34 | M | Andrew | Clemence | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 456 | M | Matthew | Curbeau | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 679 | M | Tom | Danielson | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 649 | M | Steven | Davis | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1412 | M | Matthew | DeAngelis | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 708 | M | Zachary | Dolzani | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 293 | M | Jamey | Driscoll | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 667 | M | Timmy | Duggan | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 703 | M | Yannick | Eckmann | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 426 | M | Lucas | Euser | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 687 | M | Troy | Fenderson | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 94 | M | Brian | Firle | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 563 | M | Richard | Furchtgott | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 244 | M | Garrett | Gerchar | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 565 | M | Rob | Gray | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 586 | M | Russell | Griffin | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 87 | M | Brendan | Halpin | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 706 | M | Yuri | Hauswald | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 461 | M | Matthew | Hornland | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 725 | M | Geoff | Kabush | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 656 | M | Ted | King | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 362 | M | Joshua | Krabbe | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 25 | M | Allen | Krughoff | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 683 | M | Travis | Lechner | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 731 | M | Bryan | Lewis | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 457 | M | Matthew | Lieto | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 273 | M | Ian | London | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 279 | M | Jackson | Long | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 308 | M | Jeff | Mahin | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 544 | M | Payson | McElveen | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 535 | M | Patrick | Mckeon | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 450 | M | Matt | McLoone | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 345 | M | Johnny | Mitchell | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 454 | M | Matt | Mollo | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 605 | M | Scott | Moninger | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 585 | M | Rudolph | Napolitano | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 739 | M | Marshall | Opel | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 209 | M | Dillon | Osleger | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 281 | M | jacob | peterson | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 589 | M | Ryan | Petry | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 720 | M | Cameron | Piper | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 626 | M | Spencer | Powlison | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 334 | M | John | Purvis | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 280 | M | Jacob | Rathe | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 61 | M | Ben | Renkema | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 712 | M | Simon | Richardson | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 655 | M | Taylor | Ross | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 670 | M | Timothy | Rugg | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 476 | M | Michael | Sencenbaugh | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 327 | M | Jiri | Senkyrik | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 529 | M | Owen | Shott | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 323 | M | Jim | Snitzer | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 117 | M | Charlie | Snyder | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1501 | M | Robbie | Stout | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 144 | M | Colin | Strickland | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 462 | M | Matthew | Turner | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 89 | M | Brett | Wachtendorf | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 579 | M | Robin | Warman | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 282 | M | Jake | Wells | |
SBT GRVL BLUE | 1316 | M | Josh | Whitney | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 46 | M | Anthony | Wilhelm | |
SBT GRVL BLACK | 232 | M | Erik | Zabel | |
201 | M | Andrew | Coetzee | Coetzee Tango |
203 | M | Dan | Hughes | Sunflower Outdoor & Bike |
1201 | M | Paul | Majors | Colorado Women’s Cycling Project Tandem |
202 | M | Stephen | Wasmund | She Pedals. He Steers. |
Learn more about SBT GRVL at, and follow the events of the weekend on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Great to meet you out on the course yesterday. I will look forward to seeing the video. When you told me I was out of it and thought you were on the SBT GRVL team with Mark