If you didn’t catch this event on the world news recently, much of the Adelaide Hills in South Australia were ablaze with bushfires in early January of 2015.
Fortunately, there was no loss of human life, and considering how bad this fire was, property damage could have been much worse.
Roll forward to January 20, 2015, and the first official stage of the 2015 Tour Down Under. I was spectating the race from a well known spot, Checkers Hill.

Before I could relax and watch the professionals fly by, I rode a creative route, mostly on gravel roads, from the town of Inglewood, South Australia, to Checkers Hill.
I passed through the town of Kersbrook, which bore the brunt of these damaging bushfires.
By contrast, my first blog posting in South Australia, shows this area BEFORE the fires came.
This blog posting is short, but the photos below illustrate how powerful mother nature is. Even though the fires had been extinguished for over two weeks, the area still smelled of fire damage.
Gallery – Click a thumbnail image to see full size (hosted by Flickr).
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many great pics. Yeah, mother nature can be a bitch.