The Ultimate Enhanced Gravel Experience
The Crusher offers all riders an opportunity to explore U.P. gravel, two-tracks and fire roads, at their own pace. For some it will be a race, while for others it will be a day of personal exploration and adventure. Established in 2014 as the Huron Mountain Crusher, and known for a short time as HAMR, we’ve returned the event to its original format and intention, offering men and women a unique opportunity to #findtheirlimits solo or as part of a team.

We want to show endurance races can welcome and equally represent men and women, showing our commitment 275 spots have been reserved for women and 275 for men. Can you finish it? Doing begins with believing. Get after it.

2020 Date: July 18-19, 2020
Registration Opens: August 9th, 2019
Hashtags: #enhancedgravel, #uncivilized, #crushorbecrushed

Be uncivilized. Comfort makes us weak. Crushers seek a challenge. The Crusher is about leaving comfort behind for a weekend, stepping outside one’s comfort zone, and discovering potential unrealized. Racers have 36-hours to finish, making a finish attainable for endurance athletes and everyday people a possibility. You need to be willing to grind it out, ride through the night, and confront self-doubt while traveling deep through the Upper Peninsula backcountry.

What is “Enhanced Gravel”? Forest roads, B-roads, Jeep trails, Roads that used to be roads. Hard packed, sandy, chunky, mud. Wild, remote, wilderness. Some is fast, a lot is not, all of it taking you deep into Upper Michigan forests, away from the comforts of nice gravel.

What color is your dot? Finishers of the 2019 Crusher received a poster designed by Christopher Schmidt, and a camp mug. For the 225-mile event it was a Titanium camp mug, for shorter events steel.

Racers are tracked through the weekend on large boards, as they finish we place a green dot by their name, if they DNF they receive a red dot. No podiums. By the end of the weekend, everyone wanted to know “what color is your dot”? Bikes did not have number plates. Crusher is about the journey, adventure, personal challenge, and teamwork.

Inside the 2019 Crusher, by Jim Hansen
Find out more at The Crusher Enhanced Gravel