Our man K-Dogg gives his take on at least twelve things you give up as a Gravel Cyclist.
- Chains and cassettes that last more than one race.
- Chains and cassettes that last more than one rain ride.
- Kits with any white on them. Anything raced in Georgia is permanently orange. Months after Southern Cross, even my tires are an orange blaze of dog crap.
- Brake pads that last more than 1/2 a rainy race or two rainy training rides.
- Training rides with your mates that are actually training rides. It’s always a full blown race. Especially if you are Dr. Pain and it’s raining. You’d best train alone.
- Crashes. Gravel races break up immediately. After four years I have never seen a dangerous field sprint. Gravity and friction are the problem kids.
- Matching socks. Why bother? Mud is a lovely color.
- Tri bars. Jungle gyms belong in backyards and not in tangled woods. If you find them helpful you missed a turn back there buddy.
- Organized rotations. Mountain bikers really don’t want your help. Use the crap out of them.
- Help from the team car. If you have a team car they probably need your help pushing.
- Bad attitude. You are alone most of the race. You cherish any company.
- Hobbies that require you to get off the couch. You are just too dang tired if you train and race properly. Naps are an excellent hobby.