A Recovery Ride?
Really? Thursday evening’s ride is touted as a Mellow Out ride. Unfortunately, that never really happens. Usually, some jerk hits it full gas on the first dirt sector, and everyone follows along like a bunch of lemmings.
But tonight was different! This Thursday was a true recovery ride, and it only took a visiting Michiganite for everyone to behave themselves.
You know you’re from Michigan when…

You rock up to a Gainesville, FL training ride on 11/20/2014, and the forecast temperature for 6pm is around 4o degrees Fahrenheit (and falling). But you’re wearing regular shorts, no knee warmers, Shimano SPD compatible sandals and socks. Yes, you read that correctly. Sandals and socks.
The six other cyclists on the ride are wearing most of their thermal gear, overshoes, tights, balaclavas, etc.
Quiring Touring Rig
Our guest from Michigan, Mr Tim Meyer, proprietor of Rock ‘n’ Road Cycle in Grand Haven and Holland, Michigan, paid Dr Pain a visit after a relaxing tour down in the Florida keys. That is one way to avoid five feet snow drifts.
Tim has a pretty sweet bike; a custom Quiring touring rig, complete with secondary disc brake on the rear, to control one’s speed if descending with a fully loaded bike. The rear brake is actuated by the downtube shift lever on the downtube. It also doubles as a parking brake!
Quiring Bicycles are designed and built in Michigan by Scott Quiring. Our own Dr Pain owns a sweet Quiring Monster CX bike.
I (JOM) took a few photos of Tim’s bike, but apologize in advance for some of the photo quality. Photos were taken in pitch dark at ride start, with a handy Android phone with flash.
Gallery – Click a thumbnail image below to see full size (hosted by Flickr).
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