About the Event

This isn’t a gravel ride. Regardless, Gravel Cyclist and several other aficionados of the genre, joined members of the Gainesville Cycling Club, 352 Racing / Bikes and More, Team Cycle Logic and the Bodacious Cowboys for the 4th Annual Veterans Poker Run.
The event is organized by 352 Racing’s head honcho, BHT (Big Head Todd). BHT also happens to pretty capable with the grinding of the gravel (check his single speed Monster CX’er HERE).
Donation to join the ride is $15, with ALL proceeds benefiting the Gainesville Fisher House, an organization dedicated to military service men, women, and their families; a most worthwhile cause.
Ordinarily, the event is held on Veterans Day, but with that day falling on a Tuesday this year, BHT decided to hold it on a Sunday for maximum draw (pardon the pun).
Bicycle Poker?

From the event Facebook page – “Made popular by our motorized & leather-clad cousins, a poker “run” is actually a ride that incorporates at least five stops at which each rider draws a card.
Our first four card draws on will take place at various local veterans monuments / memorials (Gainesville, Newberry, High Springs, Alachua). After the finish line draw, each rider has a complete hand and best straight poker draw wins the run.
Podium prizes for the top three hands generously provided by Bikes and More, plus a special prize from Alligator Island Optical for the lanterne rouge (worst hand).”
Gravel Cyclist dude, aka JOM (your editor), won the lanterne rouge prize. W00t! A pair of glasses! Ironically, I lost a bloody pair during last Wednesday’s MTB ride aboard a CX bike at night (makes the list of dumb stuff I’ve done).
Bicycle Veterans

Four veterans appeared on today’s ride.
Mr Mike Gamble, Mr Jack Gamble (his dad), Mr Roger Pierce (Gainesville Cycling Club Jack of All Trades) and Jack Kohn. Jack Gamble is 80+ and recently competed at the Florida’s Masters Games! Jack Kohn is 75yo, and was kicking arse during all 80+ miles of today’s ride.
Gentlemen, we thank you for your service.
Hopefully, I (JOM) can be riding half as good as Jack and Jack when I reach that age!
The group rolled 82 miles, at an average speed of about 19mph. There was a record number of flat tyres, six in all! Still, none of this dampened the enthusiasm of the group in any way.
Overall, a great day on the bike, benefiting a fantastic cause. Thank you again to BHT for organizing.
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