“In short, BWGA is a home-grown gravel grinder that straddles the border of Alabama and Georgia, where the gravel is vastly different between the two, and the only war is the mental struggle going on in your head to keep your legs going forward and the physical battle of your bike withstanding the punishment of the roads you’re riding. ” – https://borderwarsgravel.com
2024 Border Wars Gravel Video
Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription.
Continued from Above:
“Note on the Border Wars name: We are fully aware of the horrible atrocities continuing in Ukraine and the escalating crisis between Israel – Palestine and the Middle East in general, just as we are aware of the threats to Taiwan, South Korea, or even the issues at our own southern border. We are also mindful, on a local level, of the problems going on for water rights within Georgia and Alabama, for example.”

“BWGA is meant to be a fun day out on the bike and is 80% about the differences in the gravel between the two states, and 20% a friendly rivalry amongst friends and competitors. We love Alabama just as much as Georgia and all the states, really. We are 100% against any conflict, particularly those killing and injuring the innocent, and our hearts go out to anyone who does not have the same opportunities.”

- 30 mile route – https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45364881
- 62 mile route – https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45363387
- 100 mile route – https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45364559
ALWAYS BE A STEWARD FOR GRAVEL CYCLING: Respect the roads, respect the locals, respect the land, respect your fellow cyclists.

Additional Photos

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Links of Interest:
- Border Wars Gravel – https://borderwarsgravel.com
- How to Create Amazing & Fun Gravel Routes!
- Gravel Cyclist’s Route Library
- Gravel Bike Tire / Tyre Pressure Recommendations
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