A Real Faustian Bargain: Grass Roots Gravel Cycling

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Low key, smaller group, 100% free!

Faustian Bargain Gravel Cycling Experience

“This course embraces the spirit of adventure by heading deep into the wilds of northwest Florida forests. We will visit the Goethe State Forest on our way out of Historic Bronson and ride towards the unconquered and untamed Upper Waccasassa Preserve. There are few roads and even fewer residents. Plenty of wildlife and sketchy characters await so any attacks off the front of the group will be at your own risk. Many have entered these parts but not all have returned.” – Faustian Bargain, part of the North Florida Freeride Gravel Series

faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Inside Goethe Forest

“There is one store stop in sleepy Otter Creek at Hershel’s Bait shop (mile 46). Authentic Florida snacks and a gift shop for those wanting a souvenir from the adventure.”

Faustian Bargain Ride Experience Video

Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription

Continued from Above:

“The final leg of the tour will take you through Devils Hammock Preserve. It is a lonely stretch that has only one way in and one way out. This means negotiating the Devils Rapids as you attempt to find a way back to civilization. Don’t worry your shoes (probably) won’t get wet, but no guarantee this will be an easy passage.”

faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
JOM rolling the Otso Warakin with Mudguards

“Come along for this historic journey over 66 miles through the wild, wild west of North Florida. You will need a bike that plays well in the dirt.”

Additional Photos from Faustian Bargain

faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Goethe Forest
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Don’t mind the Potholes on occasion
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Nice views if you look about the place
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Settling into cruise tempo
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Cruise tempo with this duo
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
LGC racking up review miles on the Look E-765
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Somewhere in the Hinterlands
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Herschel’s Quick Stop, Otter Creek, FL
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Water Crossing #1
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Water Crossing #1 Cont’d
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Gentle curve of a long forest road
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Puncture repair by Clint Gibbs!
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
Water Crossing #2
faustian bargain florida gravel cycling
LGC removes shoes & socks for the water crossing

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