Cracked AF: South Central Sand Fest, Georgia USA

general coffee state park cycling
Ready to roll from General Coffee State Park!

In this video, JOM of Gravel Cyclist joins Big Head Todd for a ramble about the Southern Georgia countryside. The ride starts and ends out of General Coffee State Park; this was a route of Todd’s design. We love designing and riding our own routes, which comprises so much of the fun aspect of this sort of cycling.

Cracked AF South Central Sand Fest Video

Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription

Reminder: ALWAYS BE A STEWARD FOR GRAVEL CYCLING: Respect the roads, respect the locals, respect the land, respect your fellow cyclists.

Additional Photos

general coffee state park cycling
Sandy Forest Road
central georgia gravel cycling
Dry Conditions set the Tone for the Day
central georgia gravel cycling
Todd motoring along
central georgia gravel cycling
No traffic on these roads
central georgia gravel cycling
Expired Diamond Back Rattle Snake
central georgia gravel cycling
Todd rolling a steady tempo
central georgia gravel cycling
Open farm fields, not a lot of shade
central georgia gravel cycling
Somewhere in Southern Georgia
central georgia gravel cycling
Convenience Store in Satilla, Georgia
central georgia gravel cycling
Red Clay Road
central georgia gravel cycling
Gentle rolling terrain
central georgia gravel cycling
Much farmland in this region
central georgia gravel cycling
Abandoned farmhouse
central georgia gravel cycling
Pine plantation
central georgia gravel cycling
You know its dodgy when you take the gutter to avoid the sand

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