The internet is an interesting place, loaded with good information, and in many cases, misinformation. Case in point, a rumor started recently that famous actress Angelina Jolie had passed. Utter bollocks, fake news. Similar to the fake news spotted about the place in video format mostly, indicating that Gravel Cycling is a Fad. Wrong. Clickbait BS, although we freely admit the title of this video / article is a little clickbait to get your attention, not our usual M.O.
In the video below, JOM of the Gravel Cyclist crew explains briefly why Gravel Cycling is a permanent fixture of the cycling landscape, and 10 reasons why it isn’t a fad, why it’s so awesome, and more!
Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription.
Continued from Above:
Ten Reasons why Gravel Cycling IS NOT a Fad
1. Very little vehicular traffic, many times, none at all, and generally, anyone you encounter driving along is either a local, or they’re driving much slower. Nobody likes getting their car too dirty. Don’t forget to wave, I’m all about Parade Pace, making a connection, and don’t forget to smile 🙂

2. Gravel cycling gets more people onto bikes, and this point parlays into the first point. A lot of non-cyclists I meet always worry about the car interaction factor, which is nowhere near as prevalent on gravel. Additionally, far less worries about distracted drivers.

3. Scenery. You’re going to experience sights and sounds that you’ll never see from the pavement. If you enjoy riding among nature as much as I do, gravel cycling is the way to go. Added bonus if you like to take photos from the bike!

4. Gives manufacturers an avenue to sell more bikes! They love selling more bikes!

5. We’ve seen plenty of innovations in bicycle technology in just ten years, and I like to think that gravel cycling had plenty to do with it. Admittedly, some of this tech is a reinvention of earlier technology, and in some cases, a cross over from the world of mountain bikes. Some ideas are plain crazy, but I do like out of the box thinking.

6. Bigger tyres. This point relates to the prior, but a more comfortable ride is the win. I like to think gravel cycling really opened people’s minds about larger volume tyres at lower pressure, even on pavement, where we’re seeing 700c x 28mm, 700c x 32mm as commonplace. 700c x 43mm – 700c x 45mm is among my favorite size for gravel cycling fun.
7. You’ll develop new skills! Gravel road surfaces, dirt road surfaces, all-road surfaces, whatever your preferred vernacular, are dynamic and change based on the weather. Geographic regions on planet earth also dictate what you’ll encounter on the gravelly roads less traveled.
8. Getting lost and getting found again. I love route planning, I’ve got a video about how I produce routes from scratch linked below. Exploring off the beaten track is so much fun.

9. Bike camping or bike packing as it’s known, lends itself to gravel cycling for obvious reasons. Whether you like toting your own gear, or if you’re a credit card packer such as myself, what’s not to love.

10. It doesn’t matter if you ride for fun, or partake in gravel racing. In my experience, particularly at the smaller events, the environment is welcoming and encouraging to all. I’ve been at this gravel cycling madness since 2006 and I’ve seen a lot of changes, but the attitudes of the people who love to ride gravel for the pure joy of it, nothing has changed there.

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Links of Interest:
- How to Create Amazing & Fun Gravel Routes! (From Scratch)
- No. 22 Bicycle Co. DRIFTER: Unboxing & Features (JOM’s latest review bike)
- Gravel Bike Tyre Pressure Guidelines
- Tailwind Nutrition (JOM’s choice of on-the-bike hydration)
- Gravel Cyclist’s Route Library
Don’t forget to Like the Gravel Cyclist Facebook page, follow G.C. on Instagram, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel. We are also on Twitter!