NEW Car Day: Ride There, Drive Home

new car day dodge challenger scat pack
On the way to Green Cove Springs, Florida!

Sometimes you have new bike day, and sometimes you have new car day. Little known fact about JOM of Gravel Cyclist. He’s a cycling nut :), and a bit of a performance car nut. In this video, JOM acquires a vehicle that isn’t local to his NorFLA base of Gainesville, rather in Green Cove Springs, about 60ish miles away depending on the route you take. Between Gainesville and Green Cove Springs is a lot of forest land, much of it private, and Camp Blanding, a US Army Base. There aren’t a lot of options in this part of the world, but a route that avoided busy roads was needed.

new car day dodge challenger scat pack
Welcome to Melrose, Florida!

Rather than bother LGC (Lady Gravel Cyclist) for a ride (aka lift) to Green Cove Springs from Gainesville, take an Uber, bother a neighbor and so on, why not ride one-way and drive the vehicle home?!

new car day dodge challenger scat pack
US Postal Putnam Hall Post Office

In this video, JOM rides a route of his own design with some improvisation along the way to take advantage of a tailwind and avoid some rain storms. Mixed-surface roads, warm and humid conditions, some potentially dodgy roads of all kinds, baking hot, wide-open forest roads that are guaranteed to make you work. Fun times! Add a backpack with change of clothes into the mix for maximum perspiration!

NorFLA to Rome, Italy: Gravel Travel Video

Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription.

Continued from Above:

Later in the video, mission accomplished. Papers signed (why is buying a house or car a total PITA involving all manner of paperwork?), and drive the new vehicle back to GC HQ.

new car day dodge challenger scat pack
Pleasant views from the Palatka Rail Trail

If any of our viewing audience is interested in any of Trek Travel’s gravel trips, use promo code GRAVCYCLIST23 to save yourself $200 off your first trip. Don’t be shy, come along for the fun!

new car day dodge challenger scat pack

new car day dodge challenger scat pack
Sandpit road, U-Turn required
new car day dodge challenger scat pack
Hard slogging through some wide-open forest roads
new car day dodge challenger scat pack
Bicycle in the trunk / boot, wheels off, no worries!

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