Pancake Flat & Toasty: Two Wells, South Australia

two wells south australia
Welcome to Two Wells, South Australia

Gravel Cycling in South Australia

“Two Wells is a town approximately 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of the Adelaide city centre in South Australia adjacent to Port Wakefield Road and passed by the Adelaide-Port Augusta railway line. The first settlers in the area used two aboriginal wells in the area as a freshwater source.” –

two wells south australia
Two Wells Post Office

The Two Wells

“Originally the wells were natural and permanent waterholes. In the 1880s the wells were deepened and strengthened to facilitate regular use by travelling stock. By 1900 a water pipeline supplied the area, and the wells were neglected. In the 1960s a local youth group rehabilitated the wells and surrounding area, but after a time they were again neglected. In 1979 the area was again rehabilitated, partly fenced, and signed as a reserve. It continues to be maintained by interested locals.”

Pancake Flat & Toasty: Two Wells South Australia Video

Alternative Video Link for those reading via email subscription

In this video, JOM and his partner, Lady Gravel Cyclist, enjoy a toasty day riding a route of JOM’s design, starting and ending in Two Wells. This route takes in many of the mixed-surface roads that proliferate the Adelaide Plains area, with nary a lump in the landscape to be found.

two wells south australia
Rolling through the CBD of Two Wells

Reminder: ALWAYS BE A STEWARD FOR GRAVEL CYCLING: Respect the roads, respect the locals, respect the land, respect your fellow cyclists.

Additional Photos

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Local pub, Two Wells, South Australia
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War Memorial, Two Wells, South Australia
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Dry Weather Only Road…
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Flat and Dry
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The Adelaide Plains
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Interesting road conditions
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Dark red soil, but not along the entire route
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LGC enjoying a flat, relatively easy day of riding
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The only elevation along this course
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Many long, straight roads along this course
dublin south australia
Welcome to Dublin, South Australia!
dublin south australia
Fruit & Veg store, Dublin, South Australia
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Wanker hauling arse… slowing down would be appreciated
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Nearing Mallala, South Australia
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Welcome to Mallala, South Australia!
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Love the IGA, Mallala, South Australia
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Mallala WW I Memorial
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All that remains of the Mallala Railway Station
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One of the very few shaded roads in this area
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Welcome back into Two Wells, South Australia

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