“A broken collarbone is a common injury. The collarbone, also known as the clavicle, connects the shoulder blade to the breastbone. Common causes of a broken collarbone include falls, sports and traffic accidents. Infants sometimes break their collarbones while being born.” – The Mayo Clinic – https://mayoclinic.org

Symptoms of a broken collarbone include:
- Pain that increases when moving the shoulder.
- Swelling, tenderness or bruising.
- Skin over the break might look like a tent when gently pinched.
- A bump on or near the shoulder.
- A grinding or crackling sound when moving the shoulder.
- Stiffness or not being able to move the shoulder.
There’s also those injuries where there is no break of the clavicle, but similar to above, swelling, tenderness, or bruising. No matter the outcome, Clavicle / Collar Bone injuries are among the most common that affect cyclists, no matter your chosen genre.
Recovering from a Clavicle Injury: Part One Video
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In this video, JOM of the Gravel Cyclist crew talks about a recent crash injury, his history with broken clavicles and associated injuries, and recovery. JOM will document his recovery from start to full healing, more to come in Part Two. We sincerely hope you find this information helpful, but it in no way is indicative of professional medical treatment. What is working for JOM, may not work for you, consider consulting a medical professional with your treatment plan.

Reminder: ALWAYS BE A STEWARD FOR GRAVEL CYCLING: Respect the roads, respect the locals, respect the land, respect your fellow cyclists.

Have no fear, JOM is on the Mend!
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Hey JOM – sorry to hear about your boo boo. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.
Thanks Bob!
Very sorry to see you suffering from a broken collar bone and road rash. Anyone who rides has probably broken a collar bone or two. I have one to my credit so far and like you I just tented the arm and waited until it stopped hurting to lift said arm. About 6 weeks in total. Get well and keep putting out the great videos.
I’m a righty. My right clavicle was broken in a car/bicycle accident in the mid 80s. I remember trying to wipe my fanny was a new experience in pain. I hope your using a bidet toilet seat.