“When Dr. Vaughan created the first energy gel to help his daughter, an ultra-marathoner, reach her peak performance, the only choice at the time was an energy bar that resembled sawdust bricks more than food. These gut bombs were difficult for his daughter to process during her training and races. Unnecessary ingredients caused bloating, diverted oxygen rich blood from the muscles, and ultimately limited her performance.”
“Dr. Vaughan’s revolutionary energy gel created an alternative food that housed only the critical carbohydrates for energy and essential amino acids for muscles support. This gooey miracle food, which the body could absorb in seconds, was aptly named GU Energy Gel. And so GU was born.” – GuEnergy.com
In this video, a former winner of the nastiest edition of Dirty Kanza 200 ever, Yuri Hauswald, showcases the new flavor, “Hoppy Trails”. All sales from this flavor benefit a Trail Grant Program. Groups can petition for a project where Gu Energy may provide funding… sweet!
Also, Gu’s Recovery Drink sees an improvement with less sugar, more protein (20 grams per serving) and aptly, joins the company’s Roctane line of products.
Finally, Bridgette, Gu Energy’s Experiencial Marketing Manager, announces some sweet bags by RoadRunnerBags.us (made from recycled Gu gel packets) and a recycling program in conjunction with TerraCycle.
Gu Energy Labs
Road Runner Bags
Gu Energy / TerraCycle Recycling
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